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Multi Mill

TAP Multi mill is used for high speed Granulating, Pulverizing, Mixing, Shredding and Chopping, etc, of a wide range of wet and dry materials without special attachments. This machine utilizes the principle of variable force swing hammer blades having both knife and impact edges rotating with a carefully selected screen to control size reduction.
Flow path of material in vertical rotor machine is streamlined. During comminuting, material entering the chamber travels to the periphery and
passes through the screen tangentially and radially avoiding chocking and temperature rise.
Multi Mill
Salient Features
  • Machine Portable on Castor wheels.
  • High output with Process uniformity.
  • Direction of the Blade rotation can be changed using a Reversing switch for Hammer or Knife operation.
  • Multiple combinations of Screens / Speeds / Number of Blades .
  • Direction of blade rotation for every Product type.
  • Higher Screen opening area for Higher Throughput.
  • Easy Dismantling and Cleaning of all Components reducing.
  • Production Downtime and increasing Productivity.
  • Wide range of SS perforated and Wire knitted screen available for every Product type.
  • Minimal material handling resulting in Total Dust free operation.
  • Additional perforated screen at the bottom of pulverising chamber ensuring Higher Fineness and Controlled Size of Granules.
  • Built in Variable Frequency Drive for multiple speeds.
Technical Specification


Cone Mill Rapid Mixer Granulator Planetary Mixer


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